Summer Squad

There will be 6 Summer Squad sessions throughout the Summer holidays. All will be a full day session, 9:00am – 3:00pm at Kenilworth School.
Please complete the form below to secure your place. We will be in touch before the Summer holidays with more details about the day.

Please note, it is the year group your child is in now, and not in September 2024.

    Does your child have any medical conditions we need to know about?

    Please tick which days you would like to attend:

    The sessions run 9:00-3:00pm for all age groups (5-12 years old) at Kenilworth School

    Your child’s place will be confirmed on receipt of payment. Please remember to reference your child's name.
    The sessions are £30 per child, per session. If you sign up to more than two sessions, each session will be £25. Please contact us about sibling discounts.

    Bank details:

    Account name: Kidsquadwarwickshire
    Account number: 42559943
    Sort code: 40-27-06

    By completing this form, you are agreeing to:

    That you will only send your child to sessions when they are feeling well and able to participate in the activities, including COVID-19 symptoms.

    Giving permission for your child to receive first aid treatment, if necessary.

    Giving permission for your child to be involved in any publicity (including photographs/videos/social media).

    If you would like to opt out of the photos, please email to be removed from Photography permission.