Sign up now for Autumn 2024

The Autumn term will run for 15 weeks, starting w/c 2nd September, with the exception of Coventry sessions which will begin on Monday 9th September (14 weeks). There will be a break for half term, w/c 28th October.

Prices for the sessions are as follows:

Monday @ Bablake School (All ages, 6-7pm) – £98
Wednesday @ King’s High School (All ages, 6-7pm) – £105
Thursday @ Leamington (Session 1, Reception – Year 3, 4:30-5:15pm) – £90
Thursday @ Leamington (Session 2, Year 4 – Year 6, 5:30-6:30pm) – £105
Thursday @ Kenilworth School (All ages, 6-7pm) – £105

    Child date of birth:

    Please tick which session you would like to sign up to:

    Please ensure payment is made for the term before the first session. Remember to reference your child's name.

    Bank details:

    Account name: Kidsquadwarwickshire
    Account number: 42559943
    Sort code: 40-27-06

    By completing this form, you are agreeing to:

    1. That you will only send your child to sessions when they are feeling well and able to participate in the activities, including COVID-19 symptoms.

    2. Giving permission for your child to receive first aid treatment, if necessary .

    3. Giving permission for your child to be involved in any publicity (including photographs/videos/social media).

    If you would like to opt out of the photos, please email to be removed from Photography permission.